I was in Las Vegas last week to meet with a team as part of a larger leader kickoff.
While Vegas is fabulous, it can be a bit overwhelming. I walked from my hotel on a beautiful morning. I arrived at the convention centre and immediately felt lost; so many directions, so many floors, so many attractions and so many signs…how to get to my meeting room without going miles out of my way?
I found my way to the escalators, hoping the way would be clear once I got to the top. And it was! But not in the way I expected. Amidst the hundreds of people walking, there were two of my favourite colleagues there as I got off the escalator, as if by divine intervention. They claimed me and one of them walked with me the ten minutes further to the meeting room.
I marvel at how brilliantly this worked out. Not only because of the chance occurrence of my friends, but also because I was silently telling myself, ‘The way will soon become clear.’ as I entered the convention centre. It certainly did!
Try this ONE thing
Do you believe that things will work out for you? Can you try it out? Pick something small and practice.
Want to experience coaching? I like to start with a deep, get-to-know-you conversation to see if we are right for each other. Sometimes we talk for one or two hours at no charge. I have no goal except to bring about transformation. Together we work on the lies, the self-deception, the fears of the power you perceive to be outside yourself. We work on your difficulties in making decisions and your inability thus far to make bold choices in life and to follow through and trust yourself completely to do so.
The irony for some people is that the very thing that they want the coaching for (an indecisive, half-hearted life) is what’s keeping them from deciding whether to get coaching.
When you’re ready, reach out @ karen.laidlaw.theONEthing@outlook.com. Meanwhile, enjoy the blog!