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Why Ignoring The Sign, That One You're Getting Right Now, Won't Save You

A friend told about discovering his partner was cheating on him. He was sad and hurt and, of course, angry at her, and rightfully so.

Since it happened a few years back, I felt I could safely ask what signs he missed. What!? I didn’t miss anything, it was her bad behaviour.

This is not the first time I’ve heard this story from male friends.

As a woman I know there were signs. There were complaints, attempts at conversation, perhaps a request to go to counselling, maybe pleading and then the subtle self-improvements. They may have been awkward or not very nice, but the signs were there.

And then, suddenly, there’s an affair. But was it sudden? Of course not. There were signs.

This doesn’t just happen with men, or in marriage.

Each of us is getting signs, maybe even right now, that a change is coming, that something is not working and needs us to change. The challenge is to pay attention, notice and then take action before it is thrust upon u

Try this ONE thing

Look around and see if you can notice subtle shifts. Or maybe you need to tap into your intuition that knows something you don’t want to know…yet. Problems do not get better with age, they get better by addressing them. What needs your attention?

Hey! Are you already successful and accomplished? Do you have many things to appreciate about your life right now? Are you always open to learning more and growing yourself?

Despite all your successes, do you sometimes doubt yourself? Do you hesitate to go after what you really want in life?

Or maybe you dismiss your past successes, putting them down to luck, and don’t really see how extraordinary you really are?

If this sounds like you, you and I should have a conversation. Drop me a line here,

, and let’s talk!

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