Karen Laidlaw

Nov 29, 20232 min

Look For Evidence Of What You've Already Manifested With Ease and Effortlessness

Often it seems like our wishes are taking so long to get here. We focus on them, we work hard to make them come faster, we worry, we wonder, we lose faith.

It’s not that they’re taking so long or that they need more effort on your part, it’s just that you’re watching too closely. Your thoughts are all about the ‘not coming’ of it, that you get more of the ‘not coming’.

And yet, there are so many things you’ve already manifested that have come to you easily. How come? Because you weren’t overly focussed on them. You made a wish, or expressed a desire and then went about your life, calmly trusting.

My cousin was telling me how she needed a new couch for her apartment but didn’t have the money for one at the time. She forgot about it until a few weeks later when her daughter asked her if she wanted their spare couch. Yes she did!

It really can be that simple.

Try this ONE thing

Make a list of all the things you now have that you once wished for. Now ask yourself how many of those things came to you seemingly without effort. I say seemingly because you probably did some work to get them, but I’ll bet there was more patience, trust and belief than stress, strife and handwringing.

Can you apply a little patience, trust, and belief to the one thing you’re waiting on now?

Hey! Are you already successful and accomplished? Do you have many things to appreciate about your life right now? Are you always open to learning more and growing yourself?

Despite all your successes, do you sometimes doubt yourself? Do you hesitate to go after what you really want in life?

Or maybe you dismiss your past successes, putting them down to luck, and don’t really see how extraordinary you really are?

If this sounds like you, you and I should have a conversation. Drop me a line here, karen.laidlaw.theONEthing@outlook.com, and let’s talk!
